Sunday 15 March 2009

Homestay service for Expatriates in Beijing

Homestay service

We offer home-stay service to overseas students and visitors with high standards of quality, comfort and security. Our goal is to help foreigners to learn more about Chinese culture and custom, and to assist foreigners when they first go to a new place. By staying with families in our company, you will not only get a "home-away-from-home" feeling, but will also have a great opportunity to participate in a unique inter-cultural experience that you just can't obtain from staying in hotels or campus dormitories.

Staying with a local family is definitely the best way to practice Chinese and have close contact with the Chinese culture. As a fully integrated family member you will eat, watch TV, shop, and experience daily life with your "mom, dad and brother or sister." Meanwhile, you won't have to give up your privacy, as you will have your own space -- a private bedroom and bathroom.

We have interviewed each of our host families and a security check is completed before a family is accepted. The hosts are excited in hosting foreign guests, because in the past, due to government restriction, they weren't able to open their home to foreigners. In addition to our on-site staff, the host families will also assist you and provide all the necessary information and first-hand help needed during your stay.

We also ensure that each host family has a genuine interest in cultural exchange and is capable of meeting the guests' needs. We attempt to match the guest's needs and interests where possible with the correct family (interests, background and activities) before the visit so that the guest will have a pleasant stay in China and a memorable experience during their Home-stay. Many visitors make lifelong friendships with their host families.

Each family has all the convenient living facilities you would find in a Western home, including TV, DVD player, computer with DSL, refrigerator, microwave, washing machine, air-conditioning and western toilets with 24-hour hot water. Your room will be fully furnished with a bed, desk, wardrobe (or closet) and air-conditioning. Most families are located in nice communities, where a swimming pool, tennis courts or a supermarket are available

We are looking forward to meeting you and will do our best to help you during your stay in China!

More Information
Homestay Rates
Homestay FAQ
Online Booking

Our Rate

The home-stay rate ranges from US$15/day to US$40/day depending on the region, location, facilities and the community level of the different families. There is three rate ranges available when you choose the host family: "Economic, Standard and Top End". You will have your private bedroom in each category. The rate also includes breakfast and dinner. In most families, free Internet DSL service is available.

Please notice that the price is based on per person/per night. Couples sharing one room will be charged 50% more than a single person.

Economic (US$15-20/day)
・ Private bedroom
・ Shared bathroom
・ Breakfast and dinner
・ Internet access

Standard (US$20-25/day)
・ Private bedroom
・ Private/shared bathroom
・ Host families located in new buildings and nice communities
・ Breakfast and dinner
・ Free Internet DSL service

Top End (US$25-35/day)
・ Private bedroom
・ Private bathroom
・ Host families with Luxury apartments usually have beautiful views of the city.
・ Nice communities, have a swimming pool, tennis courts and a supermarket available.
・ Shared/private living room and balcony.
・ Breakfast and dinner
・ Free Internet DSL service


Will I have my own room?
Yes. You will have your private bedroom in each category: Budget, Standard or Top End.

What items will be in my room?
Every family in this club has convenient living facilities at home. However, the items available in your room will be different at each place. Please check the family database for more details. (You can also see pictures of your room and a photo of the Host Family)

Will I have my own bathroom?
Under the "Top End" category, and with some of "Standard" families listed, you will have your own private bathroom. Otherwise, the bathroom is shared. Please check the family database for details.

Will I get meals?
Breakfast and dinner are provided. Some families also welcome you to join them for lunch over the weekends when they stay at home.

May I make my own food?
Yes, with the host family's permission. If you are student for long-term stay and prefer to cook by yourself, please specify this in your application form.

Can I use the host family's telephone?
You may make local telephone calls from the Home-stay. All long distance calls must be made using a calling card.

Can I apply to get my own telephone number?
Yes. If you are planning a long-term stay and would like to have your own telephone number, you can register one at any China Communication Corporation for a cost of around US$30. Your host family will tell you to find the nearest China Communication Corporation office.

May I use the family computer to get access to the Internet?
Yes. Most families in this club have computer at home. If there is ADSL, it's free for you to get access to Internet. If you need to log on to the Internet, you will need to get the family's permission first.

May I smoke in the house?
Yes, but only with the permission of the host family. Some host families will ask that you smoke outside the unit.

Can I do laundry in the Home-stay?
Yes. The host family will show you where the laundry facilities are.

Will I be able to watch television?
Yes. All the living facilities in the public area of unit will be available to you.

Will I have a curfew (time that I need to return to the Home-stay each night) ?
You will not have a curfew. However, it is customary that you notify your host family if you will miss dinner or will return to the house after 10pm.

Can I have guests come to the Home-stay?
Yes, with the host family's permission.

Will I receive a key to the unit?
Yes for long-term stay, no for short term stay.

Should I register at PSB (Public Security Bureau) during my home-stay?
Yes. According to the rules of the Chinese government, all foreign visitors must provide their passport information when they arrive at an accommodation. If visitors stay with a Chinese family, they need to register with the PSB. However, you do not have to do this in person; your host family can register for you with your passport and visa.

Can I get necessary and useful info from my host family?
Absolutely. Your host family will be happy to provide you all the useful info such as how to take the bus and public transportation, where to buy phone card or mobile SIM card, and where the nearest bank and supermarket are. They can give you helpful suggestions for your trip, etc… Just ask them!

Can I be picked up at the airport?
Yes. Please contact us to make arrangements.
Airport picks up fee: US$50.00/Max3person. US$70/group
If you have questions not listed above, please contact us



・ 拥有产权属于自己的住房,并有一间房空置。
・ 对 Home-stay 这种文化交流的形式感兴趣 , 愿意帮助外国友人了解中华文化和中国人的生活方式,同时了解不同国家的文化,结交朋友・ 为人热心善良,性格开朗豁达,处事温和不计较。
・ 家庭气氛和睦,家庭成员品行端正,无不良行为记录

如果您对 Home-stay 还不太了解,请阅读以下常见问题解答 :

1. Homestay 是怎麽回事?

Homestay" 家庭住宿 " 在国外是非常常见的旅游住宿形式,也是大多数留学生首选的住宿方式。通过与当地家庭居住在一起,了解这个国家的文化和人民的生活方式。

2 .我要具备什麽条件才能成为接待家庭?

您除了要有产权属于自己的住房,有一个房间空置并有正当职业外,最重要的是对 Homestay 这种文化交流的形式感兴趣 , 愿意帮助外国友人了解中华文化和中国人的生活方式,同时了解不同国家的文化,结交朋友。如果您只是希望将房屋出租以换取高额回报,我们不建议您加入。(请注意 Homestay 的客人与您的家人是住在一起的,空房子不符合我们的要求)

3. 做为接待家庭,我都要为客人做些什麽?

提供一间干净整洁的房间和早晚餐。具体请参照 接待家庭注意事项 。

4. 如何保证客人的可靠性?


5. "免费接待家庭"与"收费接待家庭"有何区别?

如果您申请成为 host family 的主要目的是希望提高自己或家人、孩子等的英文水准,我们建议您申请"免费接待家庭"。母语为英文的留学生将每天为您和您的家人补习 1 小时英文作为免费接待的回报。而收费的家庭则必须使用中文与留学生交流,因为留学生选择付费的 Home-stay 主要是为了锻炼中文 , 了解中华文化。

6. 申请"免费接待家庭"有什麽好处?

快速提高英文的听力和口语水平,并节省请外教的费用。以北京地区为例,聘请外教讲英文 1 小时的费用约 150-250 圆人民币。您免费接待一位留学生的额外支出每月不超过千元,可以说这是您的家庭和小孩提高英文水平最直接和经济的方式。


您可收取的费用将由 LEEO SERVICE 根据您家的地段、房屋设施、装潢标准和社区档次等综合指数评估决定。以北京地区为例,如果是学校附近比较新的社区,装潢标准较高,客人有独立卫生间的家庭可收取大约人民币 2000-2500/ 月;要与家庭合用卫生间的大约人民币 1500-2000/ 月。


・ 首先请决定申请"免费接待家庭"还是"收费接待家庭",然后详细填写下面的申请表。
・ 为使客人对您家有更直观的了解,请提供客人房、卫生间和客厅的照片各一张,以及您家人的合影。请于提交申请两周内将照片 email 到 (主题中务必注明您申请表中的姓名和所在城市)。
・ 在收到您的上述资料后我们将与您电话沟通,安排时间到您家实地拜访并与您签署相关协议。
我申请免费接待家庭 我申请收费接待家庭


1. 客人房配置

您需要把客人房间打扫干净, 此房间需配置床 (应有全套床上用品和可备用换洗的床单 )、衣柜、写字台和空调。客人房间不需另配电视电话 (如果本身即有这些 , 也不须搬出 ,但我们建议您将电话电脑等放在公共空间 )。

2. 洗手间

如果客人的洗手间是独立的, 请配备洗手液, 卫生卷纸, 擦手巾, 浴巾和洗衣粉。其它洗漱用品客人自备 . 如果不是小区 24小时供应热水 , 则应确保安装的热水器正常运行 ,可以随时洗澡。

3. 三餐

留学生所付费用中是包含了早、晚餐的, 您无须特别准备西餐或中式大菜, 只要家常便饭即可(在学生抵达的第一天请准备正式的晚餐以表示欢迎)。

4. 公用空间

留学生在您家停留期间,作为家庭一员,可以使用您家公用空间里的所有设施, 如看电视、用微波炉、洗衣机、空调、电脑等。请在客人抵达的第一天带领客人熟悉您家的各种家居设施及正确的使用方法 (不可以水电费较贵等理由限制客人使用您家中的设备 )。

5. 电脑和电话

留学生可以使用您家的电脑上网, 请指示客人正确的使用方法。(我们建议您安装宽带以免因对方拨号时间过长造成您的电话费用增高)。另外客人可以使用您家的电话拨打本地号码 (不能煲电话粥 ), 但所有国际国内长途则需用电话卡拨打。您若有所顾虑 , 可以将国际国内长途服务加密。

6. 安全考虑

虽然留学生大多来自欧美发达国家,受过良好教育,但为避免不必要的误会, 请不要将现金, 贵重物品放在公用空间。另外 , 留学生在我们海外机构和中国的大学报名时都出示护照等身份证件,我们可以将相关资料(不涉及隐私部分)在客人抵达前提供与您。

7. 费用收取

您可收取的接待费用由我方根据您家的地段、房屋设施 (是否独立卫生间等) 、装潢标准和社区档次等综合指数评估决定。具体细节将在我们去您家实地考察时与您当面协商。

8. 资讯协助

因留学生大多是第一次到中国或者您所在城市, 对各方面不熟悉. 您应热心地给予各方面的协助 ,如熟悉乘车路线(建议您将您家附近的公交车所经路线在北京公交网 上查询并打印出来 , 提供给留学生参考),指导何处换外汇、买电话卡和手机卡等等。

9・ 住宿登记

10. 礼节方面

因东西方文化差异很大 , 虽然留学生选择 Home-stay 是为了了解中国文化 , 大都能尊重中国的风俗习惯 , 但有些差异上还是请您注意 :
・ 切切注意不要在公用空间内吸烟 (这在欧美国家属于犯罪行为 ), 如果您家有其他客人造访 ,也请提醒他们。
・ 虽然这是您自己的家 , 但留学生停留期间 , 客人房是他 /她的私人空间 , 所以进房请敲门 (请将私人用品搬出 ,以免在客人停留期间进入客人房寻找家人物品 )。如果留学生的洗手间是独立的 ,也尽量保持其私密性 (打扫卫生除外 )。

11. 交流语言

因为留学生选择 Home-stay的主要目的是锻炼中文, 了解中华文化,因此在留学生停留期间, 您家的生活语言应与平时一样为中文。除非留学生特别要求并同意 ,请不要使用非中文的其它语言与其交流 (提供免费接待的家庭有稍许例外:留学生有义务每天为您或您的小孩教授 1小时英文 )。

12. 留学生在您家停留期间不应有的行为(您可以就此向留学生提出客气的警告):

・ 未征得您的同意在公共空间吸烟
・ 酗酒或未征得您的同意邀请朋友来家中 PARTY
・ 带异性回家过夜
・ 未征得您的同意用家中电话拨打国内或国际长途

13. 在每次接待留学生期间,请拍一些您全家和学生一起吃饭、聚会或郊游等的合影照片并提供给我机构做存档。学生离开时请他 /她为您家写个 feedback(反馈 )并提供给 Leeo. 反馈好的家庭将有更多的接待机会。

1 comment:

  1. If you are looking for a China Homestay google "HomeStay Now" and find us!
